My mom took our kids for the night and Chris was going to teach me how to weld ( teach isn't a good word more like show me how to weld).. Well it was still winter but I was just so exited, It was pretty sunny outside even with trace of snow on the ground, we decide to go try it out. I had already had Jack Bot ready in a pile so we set up our welding table, which is not more then saw horses and a pieces of uneven metal top, grabbed everything and we started with a pieces of scrap and Chris showed me how to make a bead. Then handed me the helmet and I made a bead then looked up didn't see Chris no where started welding Jack Bot together. I didn't get very far.. I was making his legs looked up and took of my helmet and I kid you not It felt like we were in a huge snow globe the wind picked up and snow was coming down in circles around us, which was pretty amazing to see but also not very handy to weld in... Looking at the sky and feeling the wind was getting a bit chilly out we decided to go inside the house. A few minute's later it was sunny again.. What the heck?? Since a day with out our kids doesn't happen to much ( and was pretty excited still) we adventured back outside.. grabbed everything out set it up put on my helmet and you know what going to happen yup that damn snow globe came outta no where. No this didn't happen just twice It happened 3 more times after that... yup after the 5th time we gave up... A week later it was nice enough to go back out and finish those two creations.
This is the first piece I had welded that was available for sale. The body is made of a gator jaw wrench I found at a local flea market, I have since made morelizards using the same style wrench. This lizard was painted orange with a light blue stripe down its back and tail.
I would like you to meet Archie the garden friend, he hales from Scotland and has traveled a long way to look over a beautiful garden in the states. We don't know where that kid came from.. He just came over and started smiling so we took a picture... haha oh at a second look that Zeth yup he's ours and we have another little one, Jazel she's not to into taking pictures anymore...
We are going to end our post with a few of our past welded pieces..
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